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Saturday, 14 May 2016



Silas Terius Rand, from Hantsport, Nova Scotia was the first to produce a written form of the Mi'kmaq language, from 1853-1889, with some 40,000 words.

 In the early 1970's linguists Bernie Francis and Doug Smith developed the written form that is used most often today (Confederacy of Mainlain Mi'kmaw via L'nui'suti iphone app of Mi'Kmaw Kina'matnewey).

 Locally several generations have elapsed since the last fluent speakers passed on, but there is oral history that members of the Muise, Stride and Webb families did in fact, continue to interact with Mi'kmaw communities in Nova Scotia, with the ancient language.

 "There is a resurgence of the language in Nova Scotia, with social media and phone apps providing instruction to anyone who is interested."

 In following suit, this is the third such introductory program in the region following, the Bay St. George Mi'Kmaq Language Incentive Program and the No’kmaq Village Mi’kmaq Language Immersion program, currently in process.

 The Savvy Simon slogan 'L'nui'si: It's that easy!' (Speak Mi'Kmaq: It's that easy!) has been spreading quickly raising a robust interest in reviving the language.

Pikto'l Sa'ke'j Miu's /VJM..

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