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Friday, 28 August 2015


Ln'u'k (The people),Mi'kmaq
Language is part of the essence of a race of a people. It is not only how the race communicates with each other,  but it is the means by which a People understands and defines Mother Earth and the way of life.
It is very psychologically damaging for a People to lose their language....they lose a part of who they are. It splinters and fractures the people.
The Mi'kmaq People NEEDS to speak their language again, so that we  can define and understand the world with our  words, our tongue, not with that belonging to someone else!
By becoming fluent in our  own language the People will once again become whole.
Thus any language workshop, besides being educational and interesting, provided a journey toward healing. It moved the People away from being a victim....because anyone who has had their language ripped away from them has indeed been victimized.
But by embracing the Mi'kmaq language we are moving toward becoming a people of that is a very distinct society.

We as Mi'kmaq people are  humble and nomadic humans that have survived for thousands of years and have a distinct openness that can not be found or defined in any way or form in another language.

We , as a people,  have to grasp the  future and remember  who and what and where we came from .

This is so important to our core values and the being one as a Nation that will come together and share our own belief system and must remain  ,  for we hold this in trust for the next seven generations that follow the dignity of the first people of this land,,,,

Pikto'l Sa'ke'j Muise…

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