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Tuesday, 30 May 2017


For the preservation and the promotion of the Mi'kmaw, Mi'gmaq language.
Phone: 418-788-2248 for more information

Friday, 19 May 2017


Lesson One Consonants

p t k j s l m n w q 
yptkjs have only one sound
p = b sound as in ball
t = d sound as in dog
k= g sound as in go
j = j sound as in Jim.
s = s sound as in sit
lmnwqy have only one sound
l = l sound as in like
m = m sound as in me
n = n sound as in new
w = w sound as in will
q = q sound as in Bach
y = y sound as in yessource:

Stories of Conne River, Language Game


Tali-Kisk~k--How Is the weather?
Weli-kiskuk--Its a nice day


One to ten in Mi'kmaq
1 - ne'wt
2 - ta'pu 
3 - si'st 
4 - ne'w
5 - na'n
6 - asukom
7 - luiknek
8 - ukumuljin
9 - pesqunatek
10 - newtiskaq


Nmitki = my birth place
Tleyawi = the land that I belong to 
Mala = my home. anywhere.
Nmɨtki - my homeland