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Monday, 20 June 2016


Helen Sylliboy : 

Pow Wow..... .It's derived from the word powau.....Narragansett word to dream....

"Powwow was an Algonquin term, "pauwau" or "pauau", which referred to a gathering of medicine men and spiritual leaders. 

"Pauwauing" referred to a religious ceremony, usually one of curing. 

In the 1800's the European explorers observing these religious gatherings and dances mispronounced the word as  "powwow".


Helen Sylliboy:

hello-..... Kwe’ …...Koo weigh
I'm happy to see you ...welta'si nemu'l....well daw see nem mool
Talwisin?…..what is your name...dull wee sin?
My name is.....Teluisi........Dell wee see.....
Where are you from?....Tami tle'awin?...dummy tlay ah win?
I am from.....Tle'awi....Tl lay ah wee....
How are you? .....Me’ taleyin.....May dull lay in?
Oh, I am fine....O' weleyi....oh well lay ee.
What’s goin on? .......Me’ katu taliaq......May gud dew dull lee och?
Not too much.....Mu awsami talianuk...Moo ah sum me dull lee ah nook.
It’s a nice day.......Weli-kiskik......Welly giss kik
That's good.....Weliaq......well lee och
Thank you. .....Wela’lin.......well law lin.
Welcome.... Wpjila’si.......whoop jee law see.
Come in..... Piskwa'.....biss squaw.
Sit down......Pa’si.......Bossy.
Come here.....Juku'e....Joo goo weh....
Go away..... Jikla’si.......Jig law see
Where have you been?.....Tami wejien?......Dummy wedgey en
Where are you going.... Tami elien?.......Dummy ell lee en ?
I am going home....Elmiey......Ell me eh
I am going to town...Kjikank eliey...Jeegunk ell lee ey
See you again .....Nmu’ltes app......nem mool dis up.

This the new phonics page for non speakers, to be done as mp3 file....any corrections or mistakes, please let me know....


What’s goin on? .......Me’ katu taliaq.....(May gud dew dull lee och?)
Not too much.....Mu awsami talianuk...(Moo ah sum me dull lee ah nook)
It’s a nice day.......Weli-kiskik......(Welly giss kik)
That's good.....Weliaq......(well lee och)
Thank you. .....Wela’lin.......(well law lin)
Welcome.... Wpjila’si.......(whoop jee law see)
Come in..... Piskwa'....(.biss squaw)
Sit down......(Pa’si.......Bossy)
Come here.....Juku'e....(Joo goo weh)
Go away..... Jikla’si.......(Jig law see)