Pronoun and Verb Study
ni’n (neen) me, myself (1st person singular)
ki’l (geel ) you (2nd person singular)
nekm (Neh-kum) he/she (3rd person singular)
ninen (Nee-nen) we (1st person dual exclusive)
kinu (Kee-noo) we (1st person dual inclusive)
kilew (Gill-oh) you ( 2nd person dual)
nekmowkw (Neh-gum-mow-kw) they (3rd person dual)
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Saturday, 27 February 2016
Pemil'miey.......I am on my way home.
Press on the audio to hear the spoken word…/6362e97d3d…/I+am+on+my+way+home.
Press on the audio to hear the spoken word…/6362e97d3d…/I+am+on+my+way+home.
Blend Klusuaqnn(Two Letters Make One Sound)
aw sounds like scoutawsami aw-saw-me to muchawti ow-de roadklitaw gl-ee-dow raspberry
ew no english soundewle’jit ew-lay-jeet He/she is poorP~tew bee-dow brothKun’tew goon-dow rock
iw no english soundkiwnik key-wa-nik ottersiwe’k See-wag It is boringkiwto’qatek geew-toq-a-deck It is round
ow sounds like oakte’sipow day-see-bow horsenekmowey nah-gum-oh-way that onewowkwis wow-gwees fox
a’w sounds like howpiskwa Bees-gwa go intetpaqa’n Det-ba-qan you’re righttmoqta’w Da-moq-dow log
e’w no english soundjijklue’wj Jij-glue-ehh-wj sheepaklasie’w Ug-lussy-ayw Englishmannape’w nah-bayw male bird
ay sounds like icesepay Seh-by this morningkwetmay gwet-my I smokenutay new-dye I need
ey sounds like achemaltejuey mal-day-joo-ay hammermenuekey men-oo-eh-gay I wantsapte’kney sup-day-gun-ay fork
ai sounds like diewaisisk why-sisk animalswaieken why-eh-gun woolpemi’kai Beh-me-guy I am building my home
aw sounds like scoutawsami aw-saw-me to muchawti ow-de roadklitaw gl-ee-dow raspberry
ew no english soundewle’jit ew-lay-jeet He/she is poorP~tew bee-dow brothKun’tew goon-dow rock
iw no english soundkiwnik key-wa-nik ottersiwe’k See-wag It is boringkiwto’qatek geew-toq-a-deck It is round
ow sounds like oakte’sipow day-see-bow horsenekmowey nah-gum-oh-way that onewowkwis wow-gwees fox
a’w sounds like howpiskwa Bees-gwa go intetpaqa’n Det-ba-qan you’re righttmoqta’w Da-moq-dow log
e’w no english soundjijklue’wj Jij-glue-ehh-wj sheepaklasie’w Ug-lussy-ayw Englishmannape’w nah-bayw male bird
ay sounds like icesepay Seh-by this morningkwetmay gwet-my I smokenutay new-dye I need
ey sounds like achemaltejuey mal-day-joo-ay hammermenuekey men-oo-eh-gay I wantsapte’kney sup-day-gun-ay fork
ai sounds like diewaisisk why-sisk animalswaieken why-eh-gun woolpemi’kai Beh-me-guy I am building my home
Sunday, 21 February 2016
Saturday, 20 February 2016
Saturday, 6 February 2016
ji’nmuk(jee-na-mook) men
nji’nmum(un-jee-na-moom)my husband
lpa’tujk (Ull-baw-doo-chk)boys
nkwis (Un-kwiss)my son
Source: Conne River language lessons
Greetings; name and healthlessons from Miss Helen Sylliboy
What is your name? Taluisin? (dull wee sin)
My name is John. Sa'n teluisi. (Sawn dell wee see)
What is his/her name? Taluisit. (dull wee sit)
Her name is Annie. A'nji'j teluisit. (Awn jeej dell wee sit.)
What is my name? Taluisi ni'n? (dull wee see neen)
Martin is my name. Maltay teluisi. (Maul tie tell wee see) Health:
How are you? Me' talwuleyin? ..... (May dull woo lay in?)
I am well. Weleyi. ....... (Well lay ee)
How is he? Me' tale'k...... May dull eg
He is well. Wele'k ....... well egg
I am sick. Kesnukway. Guess nook why
You are sick. Kesnukwan. Guess nook one
He is sick. Kesnukwat. Guess nook what
I am tired. Siwiey. See-wee-ey
What is your name? Taluisin? (dull wee sin)
My name is John. Sa'n teluisi. (Sawn dell wee see)
What is his/her name? Taluisit. (dull wee sit)
Her name is Annie. A'nji'j teluisit. (Awn jeej dell wee sit.)
What is my name? Taluisi ni'n? (dull wee see neen)
Martin is my name. Maltay teluisi. (Maul tie tell wee see) Health:
How are you? Me' talwuleyin? ..... (May dull woo lay in?)
I am well. Weleyi. ....... (Well lay ee)
How is he? Me' tale'k...... May dull eg
He is well. Wele'k ....... well egg
I am sick. Kesnukway. Guess nook why
You are sick. Kesnukwan. Guess nook one
He is sick. Kesnukwat. Guess nook what
I am tired. Siwiey. See-wee-ey
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