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Tuesday, 27 October 2015


Six Conversation Class:

Wula na e’piteji’j Woo-law nuh eh-be-dayjeej

This is a little girl. Wula na e’pit Woo-law nuh eh-beet

This is a woman. Wula na ji’nm Woo-law nuh jee-num

This is a man. Wula na lpa’tuj Woo-law nuh ul-bah-dooj

This is a boy. E’pit pemkopit kutputiktuk. Eh-beet bem-go-beet gootbooty-ick-dook

The woman is sitting on a chair. Nemi’k ji’nm tuop~tiktuk Nem-me-k jee-num doo do-wobe-uh-dick-dook

I see a man at the window. Lpa’tuj mila’sit Ull-bah-dooj me-law-seet

The boy is playing. P~temu ji’nm. Buh-day-moo jee-num

Give tea to the man Nkwe’jij kesatk amalkaj Un-gway-jij guess-ah-tk ah-mall gutch

My sister likes to dance Tami elien? Dummy elly-en?

Where are you going? Kinship e’pijik Eh-bee-jeek women e’pitejijk Eh-be-day-jeej-k

girls nkwe’jij Un-gway-jeej

my younger sister nsim Un-seem

my niece ntus Un-duce

my daughter epite’s Eh-be-days

young woman n~mis Nuh-mees

my older sister nuji’j Noo-jeej

my grandaughter nkij Un-gitch

my mother nukumij New goo-midge

my grandmother (traditional) nkijinen Un-gitch-ee-nen

my grandmother (contemporary) nsukwis Un-sue-gweese my aunt nte’pitem Un-day-beet-em

my wife nklnikn* Un-gull-nee-gun

my godchild nkekkunit* Un-geck-oo-neet

my godparent n~maqtum* Nuh-muq-dum

my sister-in-law (same sex) nilmus* Neel-moos

my sister in law (opposite sex) nukumij* Noo-goom-itch

my mother in law no’kmaw* No-gum-ow

my cousin nte’pite’sm Un-day-be-daysum

my girlfriend nitape’skw Nee-da-beskw

my female friend ji’nmuk jee-na-mook

men lpa’tujk Ull-baw-doo-chk

boys nutj Nood-j

my father niskamij Nis-ga-mitch

My father in law niskamij nukmij Nis-ga-mitch Nook-mij

my grandfather (contemporary) my grandmother nklamuksis un-gla-mook-sis

my uncle nji’nmum un-jee-na-moom

my husband nsis un-sis

my older brother njiknum un-jee-ga-num

my younger brother nkwis Un-kwiss

my son nuluks* new-looks

my nephew lpa’tus ull-baw-doose

a young man nitap nee-dup

my male friend niskamij* niss-ga-midge

my father in law nltpa’tem un-dl-baw-dem

my boyfriend

• Note: All words marked can refer to male or female. They are not gender specific.

Friday, 23 October 2015

Wednesday, 21 October 2015


Command Verbs:

Piskwa' (Bees-gwaah) - Come In

Tu'e (Doo-ay) - Get out

Juku'e (Jew-gooo-ay) - Come Here

Jikla'si (Jig'laah-see) - Go away

Mijisi (Me-jee-see) - Eat

Pa'si (Baah-see) - Sit down

Qama'si (ħa-maah-see) - Stand up

Jena'si (Jay-naah-see) - Calm down

Minaqa'si (Me-nah-ħaah-see) - Hurry up

Pawa'si (Bao*-aah-see) - Slow Down

Naqa'si (Na-ħaa-see) - Stop

Ajimpa (Ah-jeem-bah) - Go to bed

Minja'si (Meen-jaah-see) - Wake up

/Get Up Mukk

(Muck) - Don't

Modifiers: Ke (Gay) - PleaseAq (Aħ) - AndKisna (Geese-nah) - OrNike' (Nee-gaay) - NowAnsma-Nike' (Ahn-smah-Nee-gaay) - Right Now

Wednesday, 7 October 2015


Weli kiskik kiskuk---(Beautiful day today)


Some spelling and eel fishing discussion be awesome!!!

Helen Sylliboy ajela’lsi, (to provide for one’s self)

alkuma’I, (spearing, to hunt something in the water.)

alsusit, etli-saqmawi ( a moderator)

alsutm, alsumk, koqwaja’tu (to moderate)

amalukwatm, amalukwey, mili-weketm, mili ntawa’qatekey,

anko’tm, anko’tkey, paskawo’tm, pekaji anko’tm, pekaji ankweyaq, pegejodum, kwesodum. (to preserve)

ankodumumk`, westa`mk, oosutogun, oostowoote,

astua’tekey, astua’tu, astua’likik, amali petatekey,

eleke’wit. (king eel.)

elnekat. (fresh water eel.)

elui’tmasi ( I testify)

elui’tmasuti (testimony)

enkatumkewey (allocation)

eskwie’ (to survive)

ilsutekey, alsusi, ilsutm, ilsumk (oversee)

istui, istua’ltimk, (diversity) jitunm, kelipuku’nik, kelnulk, jitunik, mimaju’nuk, esimk. (to sustain)

kaqi isamalukwatum (to diversify)

kasedagawolk , (to be cleaning off the slime off the eel)

kata’qi, kata’qi’l (eel skin)

kate’kemk. ( to fish for eels )

katew. (eel )

kela’q, nutankowey, a’jela’tu, atkna’q, a’jela’tekey, (to provide)

mesqusuikewey ( to cook with the skin and all)

mijipjewei, mawikpoqtm, wsuto’qn, mimajui’kn. (sustenance)

mimaju’nit (to preserve his life)

mu saqtmu wtplute’kn , wtplute’kn mu sespite’tmu (lawless)

na’tuei. ( to fish for eels in the mud during winter )

napeme’kw, nape’kw (the milter , the male fish)

nejinjik, wa’wm (a spawn)

nikoql. ( winter eel spear )

nme’jue’kati (to place a fish where fish abound)

nuji nsitawi’wet, nuji anko’tekey. (preserver)

nuji nsutuapukuey, nuji nsutu’nm (monitor)

nuji panimi’jko’tekey, nuji tukmajo’tekey, nuji paqami’jko’tekey (investigator)

nujo’tekewuti (keepership)

nujo’tekey, nujo’tm (to be a keeper)

pe’wulk , (to scour eels in ashes)

pekitnma’timk, peketunawetu’nmkewey (an offering)

pipani’jkatmumk, pipanuijkatmukewey, tetoqi majukwatumk`, tedokoomajodumugawa, tukumajo’tekeimk, pa’qi majukatmumk, paqamajo’tmukewey (investigation)

pipanui’jkatm, tetoqi majo’tm, tukumajo’tm, tukumajo’tekey, pakmajo’tm, pakmajo’tekey ( to investigate)

pqwasaw. (large silver eel.)

pqwi’kn. ( hole cut in ice to spear eels )

qata’qi. (eel skin.)

saqsikwey. ( to torch for eels)

saqtumukewey, asite’tmik (compliance)

sekepo’qn ( a hole dug in the sand to put eels so that the slime will be removed by the sand)

sikwa’lut (to spawn)

skmoqn , eskmoqn. ( eel slime)

skwe’mekw (the spawner , the female fish)

smkwati. (eel spear pole.

) sqwayiw (a limit)

telkitasik, asite'tasik (lawful)

asie;imik, saqtaq ( to comply)

waisisk, wilu’l, (provider)

welmitu, koqwaja’tekey, (moderate)

wetqulk ( to limit)

wetquluksuti, wetquluksimk (limitation)

wsitawo’kn, paskawo’tmumk, kweso’tmumk. (preservation)

wtplute’kn, teplute’kemkewey (law)